Σύντομο βιογραφικό
Ο Νίκος Τιμοθέου προσφέρει συμβουλευτικές υπηρεσίες στους τομείς της απόδοσης των διοικητικών συμβουλίων και της εκτελεστικής διεύθυνσης, της στρατηγικής, της επιχειρηματικής απόδοσης και ευφυΐας, της διαχείρισης διεργασιών, της εταιρικής διακυβέρνησης και κοινωνικής ευθύνης και της τεχνολογίας της πληροφορικής και της ηλεκτρονικής επικοινωνίας.
Υπηρετεί ως μη εκτελεστικός σύμβουλος σε αριθμό εταιρειών και ΔΣ.
Πρόεδρος του ΔΣ του Κυπριακού Ινστιτούτου Επιχειρηματικής Ηθικής (www.ebency.org), που είναι μέλος του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικτύου Επιχειρηματικής Ηθικής (www.eben-net.org).
Αρθρογραφεί τακτικά στον Κυπριακό ημερήσιο τύπο.
Αφυπηρέτησε πρόωρα εθελοντικά το 2007 ως Ανώτατος Εκτελεστικός Διευθυντής της CYTA, μετά από 34ετή επιτυχημένη σταδιοδρομία.
Υπηρέτησε στο ΔΣ του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου και του ΣΕΜΚ, στο BoC του IMSC/USC, LA, USA και ως Πρόεδρος του Κυπριακού Κλάδου του IEEE.
Είναι Μέλος του ΕΤΕΚ και του ΣΕΜΚ υπήρξε CEng, FIEE, SMIEEE, MCPEA.
Είναι Διπλωματούχος Ηλεκτρολόγος-Μηχανολόγος Μηχανικός, ΕΜΠ, Ελλάδας και κατέχει Δίπλωμα στη Διεύθυνση Επιχειρήσεων. Παρακολούθησε μεταπτυχιακές επαγγελματικές σπουδές στις τηλεπικοινωνίες στη Γερμανία.
Συμμετέσχε και μίλησε σε πλείστες διασκέψεις, συμπόσια, σεμινάρια και εργαστήρια στην Ευρώπη, τις ΗΠΑ και την Άπω Ανατολή.
Brief cv
Nicos M. Timotheou offers consulting services in the areas of BoD and Executive Management Performance, Business Intelligence and Performance Management, Strategy, Business Process Management, Corporate Governance & CSR and ICT.
He serves as Non-executive Director and as consultant to the CEO/MD in a number of companies.
He is currently the Chairman of the Board of the Cyprus Institute of Business Ethics (www.ebency.org) -member of the Eurpean Network of Business Ethics (www.eben-net.org).
He served for nine years as CEO/GM of the Cyprus Telecommunications (CYTA), from where he retired voluntarily in 2007 after a 34-year successful career.
He has served as a NED of BoD/University of Cyprus, CPEA, BoC/IMSC/USC/LA/USA and as Chairman, IEEE Cyprus Branch.
He has been a CEng, FIEE, SMIEEE and is a M/ETEK (S&TCC) and MCPEA.
Mr. Timotheou is a Dipl Eng (E&M), NTUA, Athens, Greece and holds a Diploma in Management. He followed postgraduate professional studies in Advanced Telecommunications in Germany.
He has participated and talked at numerous conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops in Europe, USA and the Far East.
Value proposition through consultancy services
NAN Strategic Change Consultants Ltd
- Board of Directors Performance & Development
- Executive Performance & Development
- Corporate Governance, Corporate (Social) Responsibility & Corporate Ethics
- Strategy Review and Development
- Strategic Change Management, Culture Change, Brand Management
- Business Reengineering and Business Process Management (BPM)
- EFQM Business Excellence Model Implementation
- Balanced Score Card Development and Implementation Guidance
- Hoshin Kanri (Policy Deployment) Implementation Guidance
- Performance Management & Business Intelligence
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Customer Churn and Retention Management
- Strategy Development for TIMES (Telecommunications, Information Technology, Multimedia, Entertainment, Security) Services
- Strategy Development for High Technology
- Management and Operations of Telecoms operators
- Regulatory issues in Telecoms/Electronic Communications
Full CV
Consultancy Services in General Management and Technology
August 2007 – Freelance Consultant
Consulting assignments:
Strategy and Executive Management
I provide since 2012 on a retainer basis consulting services on strategy and executive management issues to one of most successful Cyprus alternative electronic communications companies.
I provide since 2008 on a retainer basis consulting services on strategy and executive management issues to one of the bigger Vehicle importers and dealers who represents the bigger European car manufacturer.
I provided between 2008 and 2012 on a retainer basis consulting services on strategy and executive management issues to one of the biggest and most successful Cyprus high technology companies which has significant presence in East Europe, the Gulf and Middle East, in IT, Electronic Communications, Desalination, Energy, etc;
Establishment of an Institute for Research and Innovation
I completed in March 2010 on behalf of the University of Cyprus a study for the establishment of a modern highly productive Institute for Research and Innovation with the status of a subsidiary non-profit entity under the University of Cyprus.
Restructuring and Executive Management
I completed a number of assignments of executive management restructuring and advised on executive management improvement one some the biggest companies of Cyprus.
I carried out in 2008 an assignment of strategy alignment covering organizational restructuring and process redesign/improvement, corporate governance and staffing, and culture change/branding for one of the bigger automobile trading companies of Cyprus.
Electronic Communication and IT Strategy
I organised and carried out workshops on specific strategy issues of Information Technology in the electronic communications industry for two international companies for the SEMEA regions.
April 1998 – August 2007
Executive /General Management
Cyprus Telecommunications Authority (CYTA)
CYTA is a full spectrum telecoms operator offering wholesale and retail fixed and mobile, narrow and broadband voice, data and internet electronic communication services, Internet Protocol (IP) television/video-on-demand (VoD) and international facilities. It also installs and operates all civil aviation equipment and systems on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.
It was established in 1954 by statute as a legal entity under public law. It has more than 2500 permanent and 400 temporary employees and a turnover of about €400 million. It has been continuously profitable for at least two decades.
It is the incumbent operator in Cyprus and, though operating under fierce competition and strict regulation, it has managed to maintain a high market share (ranging from about 70% for internet services to more than 90% for fixed and mobile telephony and broadband access), offering excellent value for money (maintaining very low tariffs), achieving very high penetration levels (approx. 55% in fixed PSTN and ISDN lines and 100% in GSM/3G mobile communications).
Dec 1998 – August 2007 Chief Executive Officer/General Manager
My primary challenge, as the youngest CYTA’s CEO/GM in the last 25 years, was its turn-around from a forty year old monopolistic, monolithic, risk avert organisation into a highly competitive, agile, risk taking enterprise, capable of not only surviving, but also of being successful, in a fiercely competitive, open market electronic communications environment.
Since I took over in 1998 practically everything has changed. Continuing the radical business (process) reengineering (BR/BPR) PROMITHEAS modernisation programme I conceived in 1996 and managed since then, a customised integrated all embracing management methodology was developed and introduced in CYTA, under the name DIAS (Greek for ZEUS). The DIAS methodology includes, but is not limited to using, the balanced scorecard (BSC) approach at the strategic planning level, the Hoshin Kanri (policy deployment) approach at delineating the strategic and tactical planning levels and at managing implementation and the EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) business excellence model for inducing continuous improvement and for augmenting the four BSC domains so that a value based approach covering all stakeholders is achieved. Furthermore, DIAS includes the DEFKALION methodology we developed for innovation management, product development and product portfolio and product management, as well as other methodologies for more specific processes, such as for competitive intelligence (CI). Furthermore, a participative management style was introduced by establishing Consultative Management Boards (CMBs), i.e., virtual Boards of Directors, for all Strategic and Support Business Units. Each CMB comprises not only the executive hierarchy of each organisation unit but also representatives of its major internal supplier and customer units, as well as “independent” members. The CMBs review the business plans and their results, as well as all their major strategic issues, such as manpower requirements and are responsible for coordinating the departmental business plans through catchball. Modern Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices have also been gradually introduced throughout the organisation.
Despite the inevitable turmoil of the liberalisation transition period, through a successful pricing policy mostly based on gradually reducing fees and rapidly increasing sales volumes, together with an aggressive direct and indirect brand and corporate identity and product promotion and communication campaign and through the significant productivity increase achieved by the BR projects and an aggressive manpower renewal scheme (through voluntary early retirement), CYTA has seen its profitability increase by two digit numbers during the first half of the last decade (1998-2003) and maintained at healthy levels during the last half (2003-2007). The latter was achieved by introducing an advanced customer relationship management (CRM) system and an innovative customer churn and retention management approach exploiting CYTA’s unique corporate production database and data warehouse. These provide an integrated view of customer profitability and therefore enable the management of the customer lifecycle.
In 2004/2005, I led a major revision of CYTA’s strategy, which proved that the current strategy axes were sound and resulted in consolidating them into the so-called TIMES strategy, i.e., a Telecoms, IT (tele-applications), Multimedia, (tele-) Entertainment and (tele-) Security strategy. This new strategy aims at reducing both time-to-market product development and launch and capital and operations expenditure.
This strategy was being implemented in a strictly managed way in a two-pronged approach: in developing some 25 convergent products in a period of two years, resulting in offering a “quadruple-play” product portfolio and a portfolio of enterprise managed services over the so-called new generation network (NGN), enabling quick development of new products without major capital investment.
The revised strategy called for a new organisational structure replacing the “silo” organisational structures, introduced for expediting mobile and internet communications in the mid-90’s by a consolidated horizontal process-based structure based on the NetCo, ServCo, SalesCo model, where the ServCo is a semi-autonomous entrepreneurial unit serving the customer (the retail arm of the business), the NetCo is a semi-autonomous entrepreneurial unit producing and marketing (at the wholesale level) the electronic communications products/services and the ServCo is a strategic unit developing and managing the product portfolio and the products/services on the basis of competitive intelligence, systematic brand management and sound pricing and promotion strategies. In establishing the NetCo, all electronic communications units and the Informatics Services Division are merged into a major strategic entity.
The introduction of the new strategy has been coupled with a renewed effort in continuous improvement under the most advanced practices of business process management (BPM) and self-assessment under the EFQM business excellence model. The effort culminated in July 2007 with the award to CYTA of the Recognition for Excellence with Five Stars by EFQM, following an extensive assessment by external reviewers.
In the last decade, many new products have been developed and released and the foundations were laid for moving into new dynamic areas, both in Cyprus and abroad. At the same time, CYTA joined the Vodafone Partner Network, achieving access to Vodafone’s broad services specifications and hosting capabilities and the license to double branding its mobile services. Many new subsidiaries were established. Some are wholly owned limited companies, aiming at new product and service areas, such as integrated electronic communication solutions and electronic commerce. Others are joint ventures with agile international partners aiming at offering, on the international market, integrated telecommunication solutions or specialised software solutions or aiming at niche markets, such as e-learning and tele-education and satellite turnaround services.
Furthermore, CYTA continued to increase its role as the major telecommunications hub in the East Mediterranean area, serving the region with transmission and internet capacity and services.
Jan 1998 – Dec 1998 Deputy General Manager
As the Deputy General Manager of CYTA, I was in charge of the International Commercial Services and the conception and implementation of the PROMITHEAS business reengineering modernisation programme.
March 1997 – Jan 1998 Assistant General Manager – Operations
April 1996 – March 1997 Assistant General Manager – Technical and IΤ
CYTA maintained, in the above period, a rather constant manpower of approximately 2.400 employees, despite its fast increasing network capacity and customer base. CYTA during this period boasted a position among the best European Union member-country operators with a fixed telephone density of 57% and a cellular mobile density of 14% and probably the lowest tariffs.
Since a new General Management took over in April 1996, CYTA embarked on the formulation of a radical modernisation program.
During the first year of my duties, as a member of the General Management, I was in charge of three technical Divisions: Network Development, Network Operations and Maintenance and Informatics Services.
On May 1, 1997, CYTA was restructured on a high-level process basis, so as to become customer oriented and to prepare itself for a radical modernisation program.
Following restructuring, I was placed in charge of three new Divisions: Customer Services, Network Services and Network Infrastructure, which employed approximately three-quarters of CYTA’s staff.
Informatics Services
May 1992 – March 1996 Manager of the IS Division
Information Management
Oct 1987 – April 1992 Head of the Information Management Dept
CYTA had in the above period maintained a rather constant manpower of 2300 to 2350 employees, despite its fast increasing network capacity and customer base.
Having managed the development of CYTA’s first fully fledged Information Systems Strategy, I was assigned the task of implementing it. The strategy aimed at reengineering and automating the core business processes of CYTA.
During this period, I established the new IM unit, which reported directly to one of the three members of CYTA’s General Management. I formulated rolling five-year plans and yearly plans and budgets and participated in the formulation of CYTA’s strategic and medium term plans and policy.
Job descriptions and roles were formulated in the most modern way and staff was gradually increased through recruitment from a core number of eight originating from within CYTA, to a power of 80 of which half were university graduates and most of the rest college graduates. Recruitment continued and the number reached within 1998 a targeted maximum of nearly 100. Because of its increasing importance, the unit has been twice upgraded as the above post titles indicate.
I was instrumental in selecting the Information Engineering Methodology as the sole method and it’s supporting ICASE toolset for developing CYTA’s core business applications. Standards, procedures and guidelines have been gradually built to secure high productivity and a high level of quality.
This automated methodology has been exclusively used for systems development resulting in CYTA’s current portfolio of about 1500 on-line and batch procedures with more than 40.000 function points and the equivalent of approximately 7 million lines of COBOL code.
During this period, I managed the development of an application portfolio, which supports all core business processes. It covered the design and implementation of telecommunications switching and wire networks (i.e., fixed and mobile telephony, telex, packet switched data network and paying) as well as value added services. It also covered customer care and billing for all types of telecommunication services (from order fulfilment to money collection, service disconnection and reconnections to complaint handling and line repair management and directory book administration). All corporate information systems run on a unique, integrated corporate relational database. At the same time the first extremely efficient directory assistance system was designed and implemented, using its own relational database, which is automatically updated from the corporate relational database.
A suite of systems supporting CYTA’s organisational structure and staffing, and personnel remuneration and payroll administration were put to production: the latter being one of the most complicated systems in Europe, as a result of the local remuneration conditions, career evolution pattern and trade union agreements.
Furthermore, an integrated suite of systems, also internally developed, which support the management of all types of projects and business activities from the medium term planning stage to yearly budgeting to detailed bill of quantity estimations to actual expenditure tracking were put in production. Stores and inventory management were also covered. In addition, these systems support CYTA’s recently formulated new costing scheme.
Late in 1994, we commenced the process of building client/server, distributed process systems with full GUI and windowing capability, using the same, suitably extended, methodology and the latest release of the ICASE toolset.
It is worth noting that CYTA pioneered internationally in using such an automated systems development methodology in Europe and continues to be the only organisation in Cyprus which does so in an exclusive way.
In the same period, I managed the establishment of CYTA’s island wide computer network. A fully transparent network comprising about 35 10Mbps LANs, of which the co-located ones were interconnected via fibre cables and remote ones via the public 2 Mbps transmission network. The approximately 900 networked PC’s were supported by local LAN servers for end user computing and have access to a central computer complex.
Under my guidance, an ambitious plan was also developed and implemented inter-connecting the telecommunications network with the administrative computer network, so that the provisioning application activates/deactivates the allocated network resources.
A modern active and inactive records management scheme was also put in place complementing CYTA’s information management strategy.
In 1990, I was instrumental in developing a new organisation structure for CYTA, participating in a four-team senior officer working group, while in 1993, I was also instrumental in developing a new personnel appraisal method, as a member of another small high level working group.
During the same period, I represented CYTA at various international bodies, such as ETIS (the European Telco Informatics Services foundation) based in Brussels, Belgium and the European IEM, IEF User Group, and local bodies, such as the Executive Land Information Systems Board.
Engineering Division – Chief Engineer’s Office
April 1983 – Sept 1987 Section Head, Special Studies
CYTA, in the above period, maintained a rather constant manpower of about 2.200 employees, despite its fast increasing network capacity and customer base.
During this period I was responsible for CYTA’s telecommunications network development budget formulation, implementation co-ordination and follow-up and I was instrumental in computerising this process and in raising significantly its effectiveness and efficiency.
As from 1985, I was in charge of the procurement of IT equipment.
I was also responsible for carrying out ad hoc studies on various telecommunications issues assisting the Chief Engineer in streamlining managerial and administrative methods and mechanisms. These projects culminated in playing a catalytic role during the development of CYTA’s first business strategic plan early in 1987 and in managing, personally, the first information strategic planning project in the second half of 1987.
The latter formulated CYTA’s strategy for a ten-year period, with the ambitious goal of preparing it for the twenty-first century’s highly competitive telecommunications environment.
Engineering Division – Exchanges Installation Dept
Oct 1977 – April 1983 Section Head, Switching Systems Installations
Jan 1973 – Sept 1977 Engineer, Switching Systems Installations
CYTA, in the above period, maintained a rather constant manpower of about 2.200 employees, despite its fast increasing network capacity and customer base.
During this period, I was managing the installation of switching systems and ancillary equipment with increasing responsibility. As from 1977, I had a multi-project management responsibility covering scheduling and co-ordination. The switches included local, rural and transit exchanges and CYTA’s international exchange.
In 1982, I implemented successfully one of the first, internationally, computerised systems which collect inter-operator accounting data from CYTA’s international telephone exchange.
2011-present Chairman, Cyprus Institute for Business Ethics
2008 – present Non-executive Member, BoD, Unicars Ltd
2008 – 2009 Member, BoD, Cyprus Association of Directors
1998 – 2007 Member, Board of Councillors Integrated Media Systems Center
(IMSC), University of Southern California (USC), USA
2003 – 2007 Member, Board of Directors, University of Cyprus
Chair, University of Cyprus Campus Development Board Committee
1998 – 2002 Member, Board of Directors Digimed Communications Limited
1998 – 2002 Member, Board of Directors IRIS Satellite Comms Services
1999 – 2003 Member, Board of Directors BesTel Communications Services
2000 – 2003 Chairman, Local Section IEEE
1978 – 1986 Member and Secretary Cyprus Professional Engineers Association Board
Cyprus Ports Authority
Sept 1989 – Feb 1990
Selection for Consultants for the development of an Information Systems Strategy
Consultant for the evaluation of tenders submitted by some thirty international computer and port consultancy firms for the development of the Cyprus Ports Authority’’ information systems strategy and the selection of the most appropriate one.
The project was concluded successfully and the selected consultancy firm did develop the required strategy at a very good quality.
Water Board Limassol
Sept 1993 – March 1994
Quality Assurance of the IS Strategy and Application Software Specification for Water Management
Independent consultant for the quality assurance of the information systems strategy and the specifications developed by the local branch of a renowned consultancy firm for the computerisation of all business processes of the Water Board.
Instrumental in reforming the strategy and the application specifications which we turned into a total system specification, comprising an integrated software, hardware and computer network system aiming at reengineering the Water Board.
The assignment ended successfully with the invitation of tenders.
April 1994 – December 1994
Selection of an Integrated Application Suite for Water Management
Independent consultant heading a team of experts for the adjudication of the above tenders, the selection of the optimum solution and the conclusion of a contract. (The original consultancy firm withdrew from this part of their original contract at the pressure of potential bidders.)
The project was concluded successfully and a contract was signed in December, 1994 with an Anglo-American consortium.
In accordance with the contract time schedule, the staged implementation of all ten software modules was completed in 1996.
Jan 1995 – October 1995
Quality Assurance of the implementation of an Integrated Applications Suite for Water Management
Independent consultant assuring the quality of implementation of the integrated computer system, which was supervised by the local branch of the consultancy firm, suspended during tender evaluation and supplier selection.
The Government of Cyprus
1996 – 1998
Member of the Ad hoc Committee for the Formulation of Cyprus Information Society Strategy and the Euro-Mediterranean Co-operation
Appointed by the Minister of Communications and Public Works as a member of the subject Committee. The Committee drafted and submitted to the Council of Ministers a draft strategy. In parallel, it organised, in March 1998, a major international event in Nicosia under the title Euro-Med Net ’98.
1990 – 1996
Member of the Executive Board for the Computerisation of Cyprus Public Service
Appointed by the Council of Ministers of the Government of Cyprus as the only non-civil service member of the body, which was created for the management of all public service computerisation projects. The body was headed by the Director General of the Ministry of Finance.
Instrumental in guiding the Government’s Data Processing dept in following modern methods, such as data modelling and administration and software development project management.
The European Telecom Operators Informatics Services (ETIS) Foundation
October 1993 – March 1996
ETIS Information Network Establishment
Was appointed by the Council of ETIS, as an independent consultant, to head the adjudication process for the selection of a supplier for the establishment of a modern Information Network enabling the efficient communication between ETIS members.
The selection came to a successful completion and the contract was awarded to France Telecom’s ATLAS X.400.
June 1990 Information technology recent developments
Gave a public lecture on the above subject during a two-day symposium organised by the Cyprus Computer Society in association with the Cyprus Branch of IEE and the Government of Cyprus. Also presided over a working group on information system development automated formal methodologies and tools.
Academic lectures
October 1992 – 1996 Invited lecturer to the Cyprus University
Computer Science dept
Was invited to deliver a yearly lecture to the Cyprus University’s Computer Science dept students and academic staff.
1993-1995 Information system strategies and development methodologies
Gave yearly lectures to the Cyprus University Computer Science students and professors on the above subject.
April 1994 Information system development using the RAD method
Gave a lecture to the Cyprus University Computer Science students and professors on the rapid application systems development methodology.
International Conferences
1993 – Present
During the first years of this period, I participated regularly in the technical program committees of international conferences held in Cyprus, such as the International Conference in Digital Signal Processing organised by the University of Cyprus in co-operation with the IEE Cyprus Section and the IEE Cyprus Centre.
During the last decade, I spoke frequently at various international conferences on
- issues of leadership, board effectiveness, general management, business reengineering corporate governance and corporate social responsibility, as well as
- electronic communications, convergence and new generation networks.
Supervised an MBA Thesis on Business Architecture and Process Mapping of a Telecoms Operator
2010 for an MBA student in Athens Greece – rated ‘Excellent’
Invited Scholar at the Cyprus University
Winter Semester of the 1995-96 Academic Year
Deliver an elective three-credit subject on Information Systems Strategic Planning and Development Management (on the basis of process and data mapping) to the fourth year students of the Computer Science and the Public and Business Administration Depts of the University of Cyprus.
Cyprus Professional Engineers Association
1976 – Present Elected member of the CPEA Council
Elected for four consecutive two-year periods (March 1978 – Feb 1986) as a member of the Council of the Cyprus Professional Engineers Association. During the last four years, I served as Honorary Secretary. Continues to be a Member of the Association, since 1976.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA
1970 – 2010 Senior Member of IEEE and
Member of the IEEE Cyprus Branch Council
Member of the Council of the local section of IEEE (since 1993), currently acting as Vice-Chairman. Member of IEEE since 1970, Senior Member since 1995.
The Institution of Electrical Engineers, UK
1976 – 2003 Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers The Institute of Management, UK
1976 – 2004 Member of the Institute of Management
Professional lectures
2008-10 The Board of Directors, its Chairman and his Relations with the CEO
(and their impact on the Performance of the Enterprise)
Gave a number of lectures on the above subject in Cyprus.
April 2007 Corporate Social Responsibility
Gave a lecture on the above subject during a conference organised on the subject in Athens, Greece.
April 2007 Human Networks and Convergent Electronic Communication Services
Gave a lecture on the above subject during the international CISCO EXPO conference organised in Athens, Greece.
Autumn 2006 Establishing Innovative Companies in a Foreign Country
Gave a lecture on the above subject during a conference organised in Austria.
Autumn 2006 Innovation Management
Gave a lecture on the above subject during a conference organised in Nicosia, Cyprus on the enhancing innovation in the local economy.
1990-2005 Corporate Governance, Leadership,
General Management and Business Reengineering
Gave a number of lectures on the above subjects during conferences and seminars in Cyprus and abroad.
1987-1996 Information strategic planning methodologies &
Information Systems Development
Gave a number of lectures on the above subjects during seminars and conferences in Cyprus and abroad.
Oct 1967 – June 1972 Diplom Engineer
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Attended the five-year full-time academic course leading to the Diploma in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering with specialisation in Electrical Engineering and became a Diplom Engineer (the Greek equivalent of the German Dipl Ing and British MEng).
Oct 1973 – June 1975 Diploma in Scientific Industrial Management
College of Arts and Science, Nicosia, Cyprus
Attended the two year evening course and was awarded the above Diploma (with a specialisation in Management Techniques with emphasis on O&M-the precursor of Process Management).
Oct 1975 – May 1976 Certificate in Finance and Accounting
Attended the Certified Accountants course with the above title, which was organised as an evening course by the Cyprus Productivity Centre but never took the certificate examination (because of joining a full-time post-graduate course abroad).
June 1976 – Oct 1977 Certificate in Advanced Telecommunications Techniques
Attended a five month German language full time course and acquired the Goethe Institute medium level certificate and a twelve month post graduate professional course in Advanced Telecommunications Techniques run by the Deutsche Bundespost – Telekom (the German Federal Telecommunications Operator, now Deutche Telekom) in Munich, Germany and was awarded the above certificate.
April 1987 Executive Management Development
Attended a specialised short course on the above subject run in Nicosia, Cyprus by Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, UK
Oct – Nov 1987 Information Systems Development Management
Attended a specialised short course on the above subject at Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, UK
1993 / 1994 Development Management
Attended eight two-day modules run by Ashridge College in Nicosia, Cyprus.
1995 – May 1997 Business Reengineering
Attended three short courses on various aspects of Business Reengineering delivered by Dr M Hammer in USA.
Small courses and seminars
Attended a large number of courses and seminars in management and electronic communication subjects all over the world. In many, delivered speeches and presentations on various subjects.